Monday, October 08, 2012

Pentti Sarpaneva

You might have read my last entry about the 70s glass vase from finnish artist Pentti Sarpaneva (1925- 1978)? This artist really triggered my curiosity, and I did some googleing. I found out that he was also a jewellery maker, I already suspected that, when seeing the intricacy of the brass headband on the vase.  
I came across this AMAZING website called HOPEA that sells nordic jewellery from 1960 to 1975. Among all the gorgeous pieces, there are some by Pentti Sarpaneva. When it comes to jewellery, I usually prefer far simpler pieces, but these are different from anything I've ever seen.

These are HOPEA's words on this wonderful artist:

"The curious designs of Pentti Sarpaneva brim with life. His large, dramatic pieces combine traditional themes of nature and Finnish culture, which have been uniquely interpreted by the artist.

Brother of celebrated design savant Timo Sarpaneva, Pentti was a graphic artist before he began to explore jewelry design in his thirties. Influenced by the tumultuous natural landscape of Finland, he produced explosive designs based on natural elements such as tree bark, volcanic lava and melting icicles; reflective of a wider revival of a relationship to nature in Finnish design.

Sarpaneva produced these evocative “objet trouve” creations under the firms of Turun Hopea and Kalevala Koru. His forms were unlike any other jewelry being produced in his native Finland at the time, and were not particularly well received by the contemporary public.

His use of local stones, many of which had been used and known since ancient times, are often left uncut in their more natural state. His interest in bringing components of traditional Finnish design into a modern setting results in bold, detailed pieces with strong emotional appeal."


  1. Hei Tove!
    Dette var interessant info - jeg har nylig funnet samme vase på loppemarked. Dessverre uten metallornamentet øverst, men fortsatt et interessant design. Thanks for sharing :-)

    hilsen Janne

    1. Hei! Ja, vasene er veldig spesielle, jeg har sett dem i blått og klart glass også. De ble etterhvert produsert uten metallkanten, så det kan godt hende at din ikke mangler noe:-)
