Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rare Egersund pot?

Has anyone seen this before? I found this gorgeous Egersund teapot this weekend, but forgot to include it in Sunday's post. I haven't seen either the pattern or the shape before. The shape is very geometric and modernist. The design of the lid is a beautiful combination of functionality and form. I find it really hard to date, there are some elements of earlier modernism, however, I think the 60s is a safer bet. I didn't see this pattern and shape or anything similar at the Egersund fayance museum, but I think I'll send them an e- mail to enquire about it, they must have some kind of documentation. I'm so curious! I'll be sure to let you know if I get some answers. The stamp below might mean something to someone? If you recognize it, do tell!

I'm so intrigued by Egersund pottery. Being founded in 1847, they've been around 100 years longer than the two other famous potteries in the region, Figgjo and Stavangerflint (both companies started in the 1940s), and "cover" a longer span of design history, including art nouveau and art deco, which were both amazing periods. Egersund has an rich history of shipping, which, in turn, led to periods of affluence. The Egersund fayance museum has some enormous art nouveau vases that, I imagine, must come from some wealthy shipowners' homes. The history of Stavangerflint and Figgjo is very different, but no less interesting, they've been suppliers of everyday objects to the post- war households.

This Saturday, I'll be going away for Easter. I'm not sure if I'll have internet access, there just might be some "radio silence"! In the meantime, enjoy the holidays, happy Easter!


  1. It's beautiful Tove, its shape, spout, lid, pattern! Exactly the kind of teapot I want to pour my tea from!
    Wishing you a happy Easter and lovely holiday (I wonder if you'll be hitting the thrift stores where you're staying? Dumb question?!)

    1. I accidentally deleted my reply to you, Kylie, I hope you got the chance to read it! I'm glad it wasn't your comment! Typical me....

  2. wow what a stunning piece. that pattern is just wonderful. Have a happy and safe Easter.

    1. Thank you so much, Ray! I was in line in front of the cashier when I spotted it on a shelf behind the counter, and it was instant attraction:-) I'll post if I find out something about it. I put my trust in the Egersund fayence museum! Have a wonderful Easter holiday!

  3. That is a great little pot. I love the shape and the pattern. I'll be interested to find out what you learn about it.

    1. Thanks a lot, Dana! The shape is what captivated me first too, then that lovely pattern, the combination of colors. I thought I'd seen most of the Egersund post war patterns, so it was quite a surprise. I'm so anxious to find out more, I'll be sure to pass on the information:-) I wish you a wonderful Easter, enjoy some time off with your lovely family:-)

  4. Lovely pot. Please share when you find more information about it. You have had quite a week!

    1. Thank you! It was a great week, indeed! When it rains it pours... I have to cool it a bit, I guess. I don't part with things, so the cabinets keeps filling up. But it really is a lot of fun to hit jackpots, which is what last week's thrifting feels like:-) I'll be sure to tell you what I'm able to find out about that pot!
      Have a wonderful Easter holiday! Enjoy and relax!

  5. I have a serious case of teapot love, what a great thrift eye you have! I can't wait to hear of any news on the pot, keep us posted!
    Have a lovely Easter break with the FAM!
    After reading Donna's post I may be off chocolate and bunnies permanently ! xx

    1. I'll definitely keep you posted:-) Thank you so much, Pippa, I'm so glad you liked it! I love teapots too, but very rarely drink tea!!! I might take it up now, though... I'll keep you posted on my detective work!
      I wish you and your family a wonderful Easter holiday, Pippa! I hope the Easter bunny finds your home and brings so e treats for your cute little Ouch:-)

  6. Sikken skøn tepotte! Og, du har helt ret i, at den er fra 60´erne. Stemplet blev brugt 1962-1969.

    Rigtig god påskeferie her fra

    1. Tusen takk for informasjonen, Birgitte!! Så deilig å ha alderen oppklart:-) Jeg er glad for at du liker kannen! Har du en god Egersund- kilde? Jeg har nylig funnet en som heter Egersund Fayance, men har ikke hatt tid til å gå igjennom den ennå. Siste innlegg er fra 2011, men det er mye godt "arkivstoff", mest av de eldre gjenstandene. Det
      hadde vært fint å finne en som dekket hele produksjonen!
      Ha en riktig deilig påske, Birgitte, slapp av og hygg deg:-)

  7. It's official. You ALWAYS find the best things !

    1. So do you! REALLY!! I could move right into that gorgeous apartment of yours!

  8. Great find! Love this teapot Tove! Such a great shape and the pattern is just fantastic.

    1. Thank you so much, Francine! I love it too, it's quite special, I think. I really hope to find out some more about it!

  9. Nice one , I never seen that one before

    1. Thank you! I've never seen this model or pattern before either, which makes me very curious! I'll post if I find out some more:-)

    2. I've not seen the teapot before, but I have the same pattern on a couple of dishes. You don't see this series around too often. Great find!

    3. Jeg var så nysgjerrig at jeg måtte sende bildet i en mail til Fajansemuseet i Egersund, så nå er mysteriet løst, takk og lov!! Tekannen er modell "Cirkel" designet av Kaare Blokk-Johansen med dekor "Chèrie" designet av Ingrid Marcussen. Serien ble produsert i tidsrommet 1965 - 1968.
