Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Great new findings

Besides the Japanese Country Cookbook, I found some more great stuff this weekend. First out is this beautiful glass bowl. I know it's from Hadeland, probably 60s, but that's all I know! I'd appreciate some helpful hints here:-) It's got the exact same color as the Greenland series by Arne Jon Jutrem, so I wonder if he might be the artist behind this too. It's a substantial piece, 28 cm in diameter, is shaped like a mushroom and has a very heavy base.

I found this gorgeous large serving plate and jug, both in Sera by Stavangerflint. I have a large lidded dish and rectangular serving plate from an earlier hunting trip, that you can see it this post, and a small rectangular plate that you can see here. Sera was designed by Inger Waage and was in production from 1970- 79. The Sera pattern is so shiny, which always makes it really hard to photograph. I love the combination of brown and black, my husband thinks it's a bit gloomy...

Then I found two more lidded serving dishes in the Korulen pattern from Egersund Fayance (The small one in front is a sugar bowl I already had). They very rarely appear in thrift stores, so if you should stumble upon them, you just grab them and run. After paying, of course...
How fitting that the sun decided to bathe them in her rays! Noticed I said "her"? I'm pretty sure it's a she! Korulen was in production at Egersund Fayance from 1971 to 76. The design is called Unique (Kaare Blokk Johansen) and the decor Solsikke (Sunflower) or Korulen (Unni Margrethe Johnsen). They also came in a sunny orange version without the sunflower decor, but with brown trim, and a version in brown with orange lids. The colors, the pattern and the shape of the lids are all sooo wonderful. You really can't avoid smiling when you look at them. I was overjoyed when I found a set of 8 plates, cups and saucers, as well as this sugar bowl and a serving plate a little while ago in an add on Finn. You can see it here.

Finally, I found another one of the small WG planters in brown with the cream pattern or speckles on them. I love these, and I picked up a cute (but ever so hostile:-) cactus for it yesterday. The whole family below. Wish you a sunny week:-)


  1. Such lovely finds Tove. I think I would be in thrift shop heaven on your side of the world. xx

    1. If you get the chance to visit Norway one day, I'll take you on a tour of thrift stores:-)

  2. Me too!
    Love your triplets Tove!

    1. Oh, thank you, Kylie! I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw them! So sunny:-)

  3. What a fantastic set of finds, each one simply perfect...So lucky finding all these Sunflower design pieces....again! Also love the understated design and lovely colour of the Stavangerflint pieces.

    1. Thank you Ray:-) Yes, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them, so lucky- twice! I love the Stavangerflint Sera too, it mixes really well with all the black, white and teak in my kitchen. You wrote about finding new ways of using that lovely salt box in your last post, I've started using this jug for kitchen utensils:-)

  4. Great finds, each and every one. I especially love that gorgeous green bowl.

    1. I'm so glad you like them! Yes, the green one is amazing, isn't it? I'm hoping to find out some more a out it, so far I've put my money on Jutrem. It's one of those really great finds, so heavy and sculptural...

  5. Absolutely divine! They look like you've had them and cared for them for years. Norway sounds like my sort of thrift shop heaven too!!

    1. Oh, thank you, what a great thing to say! I guess that's one of the best qualities with the thrifted stuff, they're "pre- loved"! I'd love to take you too for a tour of our thrift stores:-) It would be great fun!

  6. Absolut gode fund! Jeg er især begejstret for glasskålen. En designer jeg ikke kender noget som helst til.

    God weekend

  7. Så hyggelig at du liker glass- skålen! Hadeland glassverk er en av de største norske produsentene og har en enorm produksjon gjennom 250 år. De står bak en rekke kjente glass- serier og kunstglass, og mange norske kunstnere har vært der i perioder.
    I en tidligere post kan du se et stort fat fra Grønland serien designet av Arne Jon Jutrem. Fatet er i samme grønnfarve, men med bobler i. Serien vant gullmedalje i Venezia- biennalen på 50-tallet. Klikk på Hadeland under labels, så kan du se både denne og furu- mønsteret!
    En riktig god weekend til deg også:-)

  8. Vilka fina fynd du gjort igen! Och mera Sera....=)

    1. Takk:-) Ja, jeg klarer aldri å tå forbi Sera! Så hyggelig at du også er Sera- tilhenger, frokostbordet ditt var veldig fint:-) God helg!

  9. Hej! Vilken trevlig informativ blogg du har! (Hittade hit via 50år försent) Dig ska jag följa!
    Blev lite kär i solrosburkarna! Såna vill jag också ha :D hälsningar Sara

  10. Hei Sara! Så hyggelig at du fant min blogg, takk for at du vil følge meg:-) Vil gjerne ta en titt på din også:-)
