Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great stuff at mum and dad's

I'm blogging from my mum and dad's in Stavanger where I'm spending the last week of my vacation. I'm using the Blogger app for the first time, and have finally found a way to change the font, it startes out looking very strange. I just thought I'd show you a couple of things from my childhood home that I really love and at the same time try it out:-)

Every time I'm visiting, I'm drooling over this rye (the Norwegian term for rya) that they made in the 60s. I hope some day it might find it's way to my home... You could buy sets with the pattern and the materials you needed. Sellgren is one of the well known brands that made these, but also Husfliden had some great ones, that's where this comes from. I absolutely love the modernist abstract tree pattern and the colors, cream, different shades of grey, black and teal. Mum told me yesterday that the background was supposed to have more pattern, but I love how it turned out.

My parents were married and set ut home in the late 60s and consequently have a lot of scandinavian 60s stuff. They have this great pendant, a brass “Nova,” designed by Jo Hammerborg for Fog & Mørup in 1963. It has some dark spots, and they have been looking for a replacement several times, but can't find a lamp that matches the colors and style of their living room and that gives the same beautiful light as this one. I think they're convinced there's no other lamp quite like it:-)

Among all the Figgjo and Stavangerflint they have (after all, this area is the home of those goodies), there are also some great pieces of studio pottery. I've always liked this Danish vase they got as a wedding gift in 1966. I don't know who the maker is, maybe some of you might know?

I've been thrifting too.... I found a box full of goodies yesterday on an op shop round with my mum and the guys. I also got some great planters that belonged to my grandmother. I'll show you when I get home and get them cleaned and photographed:-)


  1. Love it all Tove, the rug, the light fitting (very popular here too) and of course the blue vase which is a Kahler piece (HAK)signed by Nils Kahler - his signature always makes them more valuable :) . They made some beautiful blue glazes.
    I haven't seen that size and shape before though. Ray

    1. Thank you so much, Ray, I really appreciate your information about the vase! It was a wedding gift (in 1966) from my mum's friend who is married to a Dane and lives outside Copenhagen, and who, according to my mum, is known for her good taste:-) A few years ago, they visited the factory that made it on a trip to Denmark, but couldn't remember the name. They'll be thrilled to find out:-) Thanks again, Ray!

  2. Hi Tove, I love your parents rye, it's beautiful - even more so because they made it themselves. It would look wonderful at your place - I can see it now. There is a very similar looking lightshade, made by Fog and Morup for sale at a shop that sells vintage Danish furniture here in Perth. In fact I am going to check it out on Saturday because I thought it might look good in our kitchen...
    I really like the red brick fireplace in your parents living room (I'm assuming it's a fireplace) - I'd like to see more of it...
    Enjoy your last week of hols, x

    p.s. I like the way you're calling thrift stores op-shops - you're turning into an Aussie!

    1. Haha! I guess I've been under some Aussie influence lately, I wrote it without thinking:-) Consider it a gesture to you great guys down under!

      I'm so glad you like the rye, I love it so much, the colors, the pattern, everything about it! It used to hang on the wall before they ran out of wall space, and I hope it won't get worn out lying on the floor. I've saved a wall for it in my house... It has a lot of sentimental value for them, so I can't really bring myself to ask if I can have it, but they do know how much I love it!

      I'm so excited for you about that lamp, Fog and Mørup made so many amazing lamps! I'm looking forward to hearing more about it! So excited about your kitchen too, I've been trying to read through all the amazing stuff that has been posted while I've been in "wifi- deprivation".

      You're right, that's a fireplace next to where I photographed the vase. It might not be as amazing as you think, it's a pretty common Norwegian fireplace. What is nice, though, is the brick chimney and firewall that surrounds it (that you see behind the vase), the brick is a nice feature in the room, it adds warmth and texture. The house was built in the late 60s:-)

  3. The rug is beautiful, and so is the Hammerborg pendant. I agree with your parents that it is very special. We have a small one in our store that I truly love. The blue vase is gorgeous, and I'm so glad Ray identified it for us. I wasn't familiar with it either.

    1. I'm so glad you like them, Dana! The pendant has been in danger several times because of the dark spots, but they really can't find any other lamp that has that same impact, it's simply perfect. I've been trying to convince them that the spots are minor flaws, so I really hope it stays. If they should decide to replace it some day, it will find a new home with me:-)

      Oh yes, I really appreciate that piece of information from Ray, he solved the mystery and my parents will be thrilled to hear about it! I don't know a lot about vintage Kahler, so it was really interesting news. I've seen a lot of the new pieces around, though. It's so great to have all you knowledgeable people out there!
      Thanks again Dana!

  4. That rye needs to make it home with you. Do you think they'd notice it was missing? HA HA! It's really beautiful. And the lamp!!!! I need to breathe... I realized I was holding my breath as I looked at it. It reminds me of the Poulson lamp we have over our eating area, except MUCH more amazing. I could never part with that. I don't blame them. Enjoy your time there!

    1. Haha, maybe I'll try sneaking it out in the middle of the night while they're sleeping:-) I love it SO much and know exactly where I'd hang it!
      I'm so glad you love the lamp! I agree, it has a lot of similarities with the Louis Poulson, the layers that filter the light so beautifully and prevents you from looking directly at the light source. The Poulson gives a more rounded impression while this one is "straighter". Your lamp is exactly the one they've considered as a replacement! It's a true beauty too, and a bestseller over here ever since it's birth in the late 50s. However, there are several elements of brass in my parent's home, so the color of their lamp go really well with all that. I've told them that if they one day decide to take the plunge, I'll be ready to adopt it. I think the flaws are minimal.
      So glad you liked the small selection of my great loves around here:-)

  5. Can't pick a favorite because I love them all so much! Vase is stunning, the lamp is amazing and the rye - so want it now! I love visiting my mom to see her as much as to visit the treasures she has collected over the years. Enjoy your visit back home!

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Francine- I'm so thrilled you love them!! I so agree with you, going home is not only about seeing the people, it's also all about spending some time surrounded by things of great sentimental value to both yourself and loved ones. And the places!!! You've probably noticed how attached I am to my home town, I enjoy every minute of just being here, breathing in the North Sea air... Goodness, I'm a hopeless nostalgic:-)

  6. Hvor er det skønt, at de har beholdt alle de ting gennem årene. Mange har forlængst skiftet dem ud. Inklusiv mine forældre, som også havde en Fog og Mørup lampe. Den hang i mange år over sofabordet. Helt klart en yndling som på et tidspunkt er blevet for slidt.

    Fortsat god ferie

    1. Ja, jeg er så glad for at de har beholdt så mye! De valgte noen riktig gode ting på 60- og 70- tallet som har tålt tidens tann. Min mor var en riktig "keramikk og rye"- type den gang. De var nok ikke vilt moderne på 80- tallet... Men noe har dessverre også forsvunnet underveis, blant annet en hel del Figgjo....
      Fortsatt god sommer til deg også, Birgitte!!

  7. Great items, no wonder you have such exquisite taste!!! I bet the Rya will find its way to your home soon enough. I think it is beautiful. I saw the signature on the vase and I knew what it was (I have a Kahler piece in the store) but I see that Ray has already given you the info. It is a beautiful piece!

    1. Thank you so much, Beatriz, I´m so glad you like them, they mean a lot to me, specially the rug, since it´s made by loved ones. How amazing that you recognized the Kahler, I´m so glad to have that mystery solved, and so is my mum and dad:-) It was given to them by my mum´s friend who married a dane.
      Thanks again, Beatriz, always nice to hear from you:-)

    2. Tove, I meant to ask you if you know anything about the Sellgren rya. I found a couple and a lot of research has provided little. I know there is a catalog of all of Ramon Isern's designs, but there is only one copy at the Philadelphia public library... Let me know if you know of any links I can follow. Thanks!!!

    3. Hi again Beatriz:-)
      It's sad how little there is to find about these great rugs. I've done A LOT of searching too and have ended up with next to nothing. I tried again right now to see if there's anything in Norwegian that I could translate for you, but nothing of real interest.
      I have another name for you though, Arne Lindaas was an artist who also designed patterns for Sellgren. I'll continue with the research and tell you if I find anything of interest!
