Sunday, August 11, 2013

100!!!!! And a giveaway:-)

This is my 100th post!! I can't believe I've reached that magic number. I must admit I never thought I'd become a blogger, but as it occurred to me how many wonderful like- minded people that were out there, I threw myself into the blogosphere. The sunny side of it really has been meeting all you lovely people who share my passion for vintage pottery. It's been very educational too, I've learned a lot!

I've decided to celebrate my little anniversary with a giveaway!! I've been going on so much lately about Figgjo and Stavangerflint, and what could be more fitting than giving away a small Stavangerflint treasure? 

The treasure in question is a lovely small hand painted souvenir plate from the 60s measuring 12,5 cm across. It's unsigned, but I know for sure it's decorated by Inger Waage. Do you know how to identify a souvenir plate painted by Waage? See the birds, the leaves that look like little trees and the type? They're sure signs!

The motifs are small scenes from Trondheim, Norway's third biggest city. Situated by the Trondheim fjord in the middle of Norway (right below where it gets narrower going north:-) Trondheim is the home of Norway's largest cathedral, shown right behind the rose in the center.

So what do you do to enter? Nothing more than become a follower by clicking the follow buttons to the right, Bloglovin and Google Friend Connect, if you're not already a follower! Be sure to leave a comment telling me you want to enter. The draw will take place two weeks from now, on august 25th, at 12 noon Central European Time. Good luck!!

Ps. I'm on Instagram now, I finally caved in for the pressure by certain members of my near family:-)


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! I love it when people post their milestones. It gives all of us a boost.

    1. Oh, thank you Dana! With all the inspiration and knowledge from you lovely people it's been easy and so much fun!

  2. How fantastic! What a pleasure it has been to find you Tove. And yes, I have learnt so much from your posts about vintage pottery. Congratulations on the first of many blogging milestones. xx

    1. Thank you SO much, the pleasure is all mine!! Meeting you and learning about your lovely Queenslander house far across the globe and seeing how beautifully you restore it has been amazing. I love with the way you decorate it, with gorgeous pieces of vintage! I'm so glad I found you! xx

  3. This would look lovely in our 'new' kitchen Tove, please include me in your give-away. Congratulations on writing 100 posts, here's to 100 more!
    Speaking of lovely things from afar (in my case I'll insert an ahem here!) have you received a certain jar of Australia's fave spread yet?

    1. Thank you so much, Kylie! You're in, and I'm crossing my fingers for you! I'm so happy you continue staying in touch! You and Pippa are the first two I met out here:-)
      No, I'm afraid it hasn't arrived yet... We'd been away for a couple of days and have put the mail on hold, so I'm hoping on today's round, I'm so excited:-) I'll be sure to let you know!

  4. Congrats on 100! I am glad I found your blog! I look forward to your posts every week.

    1. Oh thank you, Beatriz!!! And likewise!!! I really enjoy seeing and reading about all the treasures you find, so glad I found your blog:-)

  5. Lovely plate and blog. I'd like to enter the drawing.


    1. Glad you like it, Brian, and thanks for joining. You're in!

  6. Congratulations on 100!! It's been great getting to know you over the blog and I always enjoy your posts and all that you share with us! Here's to next 100!

    1. Thank you so much, Francine! I'm so glad I found you out there that day, it's been lovely getting to know you and I enjoy your blog so much!!

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post.
    Please keep posting. Your blog is fantastic!
    Thanks for sharing so many beautiful pics & info about your treasures. Please enter me in your giveaway.

    1. Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like it! Join my site and you're in:-)

  8. 100! Wow...sorry for missing it! I'm turning into a crap blog friend but an excellent insta pal! .
    Congratulations! xx

    1. Thank you so much, Pippa!!! And no worries, you're very far from being a crap blog friend:-) I'm thrilled to have you at both arenas!! I LOVE seeing and reading about all the wonderful things you make!
