Sunday, August 25, 2013

Planters, the latest thrifts...and a winner!!!

I'm addicted to green plants and vintage planters. I adore succulents and cacti, and wish we had the climate to have them in the garden too. Sometimes my living room turns into a greenhouse, it's kinda like that now.... I thought I'd show you the vintage planters I've picked up during the last couple of years and the plants that reside in them at the moment. If you've been around for a while, you've probably seen several of them before.

I have a thing for traditional, rustic pottery. I've bought a few of the old Sandnes pottery from Gann and Graveren. Those are the household storage jars and baking bowls they produced before they employed artists and started to make more colorful and "designed" pottery. These are obviously not mid- century, they're all probably around a 100 years old. Consequently, they are not water proof anymore. I've put dishes under the plastic pots inside the storage jars, but I wondered a long time what to do with the bowl. I ended up buy simply placing a terracotta pot and saucer into it. The colors match so why not. Sometimes it's a planter, sometimes a fruit bowl. Below is a new little bowl (a local pottery, Pottemaker Simonsen, still makes them) and the traditional Sandnes flute in the shape of a bird. I've written several times about these, so I won't bore you with repeating everything. If you like, you can check out my previous posts about this pottery, here, here and here.


I have tons of terracotta pots, they look better and better with time. See what I mean by greenhouse? The Monstera (second from the left) is one of my favorites.

Then there's the germans.... Scheurich and Bay were obviously big on planters, and there's a lot of it around. I even spotted some new Scheurich in a garden center a while ago, so they're still around. It was nothing like the sixties stuff though, they were plain white... These two first ones are rather big and have THE greatest muted orangy red combined with dark brown. These cacti resided in them until recently, then I found this strange and wonderful orchid...


Below, you can see them "in situ" (hideous light dimmer alert). I don't think I've shown you this corner of my livingroom. I'm trying to gradually phase out my ikea, but this PS sideboard is still around. It's a short wall betwen the chimney and where the living room bends into an L. Hopefully one day I'll find some teak in the right width... I've combined the planters with a Scheurich Bowl and an Ekeby vase, both in the same color combo.

These next Scheurich fat lava planters I picked up in Stavanger, on the thrifting spree I had with my mum. There was a third one, I can't believe why on earth I didn't get that one too. I've paired them with a large Scheurich vase, which is really a floor vase, that picks up the caramel colored glaze. I have another very similar one too, with green glaze instead of the brown.


I love the glaze on these. To me, they look a bit more 70s than 60s, but I can't be sure. They "touch the ground" differently, the small ones with a base, the typical "german planter way", the largest one is straight all the way down. sadly the plant in the latter has died since this picture was taken.


More handsome germans, as we like to call them. these are among the first I got. Two of them are residing on my teak credenza. The third, the Bay that my little thrifter found for me, enjoys the companty of my newly thrifted Carstens in the kitchen window.

Finally, my wild child. It's ugly in a nice way. Or the other way around. Is it over the top or not? I can't decide...

This post is gonna be a long one, I can see where this is going... I thought I'd throw in the latest finds too, just to keep the winner of my giveaway in suspense:-) I stumbled upon a flea market yesterday in the driveway of a lovely lady. She told me she loved arranging flea markets, and had one every time her mum and aunt cleared out their cabinets. Her prices were ridiculously low, and I walked away, or drove off, rather, with this piece of danish studio pottery bowl marked "Ernst - handmade - Faxe - Denmark - 8-73" If you conoisseurs out there know more, I'd be interested! Sadly, it's a bit chipped, but hey, it was only a ten'er (that's a dollar and a half)!!

I got this one for about the same amount! Figgjo daisy skillet, by the amazing Turi Gramstad Oliver. 

I also picked up these Egersund cups. They're the same design as Korulen and Unique (by Kaare Block Johansen) but have a different pattern, also very 70s. I've seen this pattern before, but don't know the name of it, anyone?

I found this beautiful teapot in a charity store. You all probably know this pattern, but if you don't, it's Stavangerflint Sera, design by Kåre Berven Fjeldsaa, decor by Inger Waage. Love the colors and the 60s graphics!

Found another souvenir plate, handpainted by Inger Waage. I've decided to buy only the Stavanger ones, but couldn't resist one from Kristiansand. It's a city my kids love, it's on the southern tip of Norway, a great vacation spot for families. There's a zoo and a theme park baked into one great child paradise. Mine have outgrown it years ago, but the sound of this city's name obviously rings some great sounding bells. And my plates are up on the kitchen wall now!! These things don't happen overnight with me...

Finally, I'll announce who will be the next owner of a Stavangerflint plate, handpainted by Inger Waage. With the help of some WG pottery, I drew the winner today, who is.....drumwhirl.....

That's Kylie of Lucy Violet Vintage!!! It will arrive in the mail shortly, Kylie!!


  1. So many beautiful plants and great finds! You and I like so many of the same things. In fact, I'm watching a pair of Scheurich vases similar to the pots that your cacti are in. Your teapot is just gorgeous.

    1. Thank you so much, Dana, what a sweet comment! I agree, we do have a lot in common!! Can't wait to see those vases, I hope you get them- and show them!
      I'm so glad you like the teapot!! I can't resist them, I have several now, but don't drink much tea....
      Thanks again, Dana!!

  2. Tove.... every single picture, one right after the other.. BEAUTIFUL! I seem to suffer from the same thing you do. PLANTitis. I've been planting and repotting and moving stuff around all day today. Of course I could only dream about having as many lovely pots and containers as you. Yours are gorgeous! We just never find anything like that while thrifting in our area. Love your plants and pretties. Fabulous as always!

    1. Haha- Plantitis seems to be pretty contagious:-) I did some repotting myself today, that's what got me started on this post! What a lovely comment, Stacey. I'm sure your pots are seriously stylish too, like the rest of that gorgeous house of yours! I have a feeling these WG planters were sold in large numbers at garden centers over here in the 60s. I've never seen those architectural planters you guys have in the US over here, though, those are gorgeous! Thank you so much again, Stacey!

  3. hi tove...I think your wild child might just be my favourite. oh that teapot is fantastic...I gaze at my stav sera sugar bowl every day...I love it. I had to giggle at the "phase out my ikea" line. Im pretty sure every one of us has said that line at one time....thank goodness for ikeas gap filling designs!!. I found another lovely WG last week at the oppy....maybe I should put a cactus in it?. Al x

    1. Hi Al! Wow, thanks! I think I'll have to reconsider my wild child:-) Sometimes those who are most difficult to love really grow on you, right? I'm so glad you love your Stavangerflint, makes me really proud! Well put, Ikea really has some gap filling designs- literally! And they always stick around much longer than intended too:-) What should we do without them? Do pop a cactus in your new WG!! Would be great to see it some time:-)
      Thanks for your sweet comment! x

  4. hei! Etter å ha samlet vest-tyske vaser gjennom noen år, er kanskje tiden kommet til blomsterpottene?? :-) Må innrømme at vi stort sett har oversett disse i bruktbutikkene, men etter å ha sett de mange flotte bildene dine som viser hvordan du har plantet og arrangert de ulike blomsterpottene, så er vi blitt ordentlig inspirert !!! Tusen takk!
    Mvh Pep og Salt

    1. Å så hyggelig!!! Før var jeg så opptatt av at pottene var like og det ble jo så kjedelig! Så begynte disse å dukke opp og de er jo ofte like fine som vasene. Artig å kunne gruppere dem sammen med vasene også. Jeg er veldig glad i kaktuser og sukkulenter og syns de kler slike 60- talls potter. Mamma og pappa kommer snart på besøk og skal ta med noen potter som tilhørte besteforeldrene mine, den ene er tysk, lurer på om det var Strehla. Skal vise dem når de er her:-)
      Ha en fin uke i det deilige været!!

  5. I had a comment in my head as I was reading this post, but now I've arrived at that LOVELY surprise at the end...all I'll say is thank you Tove. I am so thrilled to win the Stavangerflint plate. It will hang in my kitchen and I will think of you whenever it catches my eye x

    1. I'm so glad it was you, Kylie, I'm so thrilled to be sending it to your lovely home and new gorgeous kitchen!! I'll have it shipped as soon as I can. I saved your address from the package you sent me, which, by the way, we've all had so much fun testing! Finally Vegemite is no longer a mystery!! It's not half bad either:-)
      I'm so curious about your kitchen reno, is it going well? I'm sure it will be really stylish!! x

  6. Fine potter:) Og fine Siesta som jeg spottet der bak:) Kan det være Unique det serviset fra Egersund også heter? PS: Jeg kjøpte et komplett service fra Stavangerflint, Honey på loppis på lørdag. 50 kroner skulle damen ha. Tenkte legge ut i butikken, del for del.

    1. Tusen takk! Siesta ja:-) Gammel fra 60- tallet i svart skinn og palisander, veldig glad i den! Det kan godt hende dette serviset også heter Unique. Vet jeg har sett det et sted, men husker ikke hvor... Å hjelpe meg, 50 kroner for hele serviset? For et kupp! Har sett mye av det her i det siste, men ikke SÅ billig!! Det er veldig koselig med de runde formene:-) Mamma sin gode venninne har det og bruker det ennå! Ha en fin uke!!

  7. Tove, what a great collection of plants and planters. I could only dream of having so many plants here. It is so dry in SoCal, and I neglect my poor plants. One thing is for sure, all the plants I have are survivors, they thrive on neglect!!! I wish I could find as much german pottery as you do, but I pick up all the Zanesville Stoneage Modern that I find, and I find a lot of it. Very different from your beautiful glazed pots, but very modern. If they were not so heavy I would send one your way :)

    1. Oh, that's so sweet, Beatriz, I'd send you some germans back:-) I'm so glad you brought that wonderful Zanesville brand to my attention, they are so rustic and gorgeous! It's so much fun to discover great makers that are new to me, that's one of the things that makes blogging so much fun.
      I'm also so glad that you like my plants and planters! I've been to So Cal several times, and I'm always impressed (and jealous:-) of the variety of succulents you have. But I believe you on the keeping them alive part! Seems like a lot of effort in such a warm and dry climate. Have a wonderful week:-)

  8. Good morning fellow plants and planters junkie :-) I love your collection - obviously ! And it's so nice to see your photos. They remind me of the Scheurich planters I managed to thrift over the years, most of which have now fallen victim to my cat herd... Oh well, I try to console myself that I now have the excuse to thrift some more ;-)

    1. I knew I had a like minded plant junkie in you:-) I'm so glad you like my lots and plants! I've been admiring yours on several occasions:-) So sad to hear that you've lost most of your pots, but I guess those cute cats are forgiven? I do hope you'll find some great ones to replace them, somehow I know you will:-) I agree, you have an excellent excuse- a girl's gotta have some greenery, right?

  9. Hei, har en liste over Kaare Blokk Johansen arbeider uten bilder. Der er det nevnt en modell som heter Unik med dekor Apple . Dekoren er formgitt av Unni Johnsen. Og dekoren på seviset du viser ligner jo på epler. Listen jeg har er fra markeringen av A/S Egersunds Fayancefabrikks Co 150 års jubileum i 1997. Det var Egersund Fayance museum som hadde markeringen. Hilsen Hanne

    1. Oi- det høres jo veldig logisk ut!! Tipper du har løst mysteriet, tusen takk!! Å, det er så fint på fajancemuseet, veldig flott utstilt og virkningsfull innredning (laget av Tingbø, som laget kjøkken til meg i vår:-). Egersund fajance er kjempeinteressant, de produserte jo så lenge og har dekket så mange stilarter. Så kjekt at du kom innom igjen, og tusen takk for tipset!

  10. Se nu fortryder jeg jo, at jeg ikke købte de tyske urtepotteskjulere jeg stod med i hånden i dag :-). De ser simpelthen så fine ud med de grønne planter. Og, jeg tænkte faktisk på dig, da jeg stod der, da et par stykker af dem var brune.

    M.h.t. Ernst, så hed han Ernst Nielsen og havde sit pottemagerværksted på Sydsjælland. Han var meget populær i 1970erne. Især p.g.a. hans farvefulde glasurer, hvilket var hans speciale. I 1978 brændte værkstedet og efter sigende kom han sig aldrig helt over det.

    God weekend

    1. Tusen takk, Birgitte, så hyggelig at du liker dem! Og hyggelig at du tenkte på meg:-)
      Tusen takk for opplysningene om Ernst Nielsen! Det er så mye lekker dansk keramikk, og enormt fint å ha deg som vet så mye om alle potteriene:-)
      Ha en riktig god weekend du også!!

  11. Ha ha the jokes on me I missed this giveaway! Yay for Kylie! I love all your plants and pots, everyone of them! xx
    The wild child is my favourite too....where's the macramé hangers?

    1. Oh, I'm sorry you missed it, Pippa!! I just shipped it off to Kylie, hope she likes it. I'm so thrilled that you like my plants and planters, it's slowly turning into a greenhouse here... Still haven't gotten around to trying out my macramé skills... It would NEVER measure up to your beautiful work though, so I'll keep one of yours on top of my wishlist:-) xx
