Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall finds

Fall is definitely here, no matter how much I try to cling to summer... I guess we can't complain though, the last weeks have been gorgeous, real indian summer with temperatures in the 20s. This weekend has been a bit wet, and fall colors have started appearing. Thrifting has been a bit slow lately, but yesterday I managed to squeeze in a couple of stores.

I've seen the Arabia Ruska teapot around a few times, but have always thought that since I so rarely drink tea, and have several teapots already, I couldn't get another one... This time I gave in. It's just so beautiful. There's something special about pots. And cups. I have a teaset for 6 now, with extra coffecups which are small and great for espresso, as well as 12 dinner plates and serving dishes.

I didn't know that it had an infuser inside for "real" tea. The infuser is even ceramic, that's a great feature. Below are three more Stavangerflint egg cups in the Sera pattern, designed by Inger Waage. I have a few of these from an earlier hunting trip.

I found another one of these little "tweeters" from a line of glass ornaments by Hadeland. There's not much to be found about these on the web. I wouldn't have known anything if it weren't for the fact that I remember them from home. Mum had some of them and I therefore know for sure they're from the 70s! I've collected 7 of them until now. My favorite is the bird, I love the shape. I once found one in the original box, which is SOOO 70s Norway!

I found a serving plate and bowl from the Stavangerflint Finse line. I love these, the shape of the plate is so great, rounded but slightly rectangular. The design is by Kåre Berven Fjeldsaa. I love his work, it's always so subtle and refined. The light olive green and brown combo is gorgeous, and it combines really well with Ruska, it has that same surface and style. I now have a teaset for 12 and several with egg cups. You can see and read more here and here. There's a bit of information about Fjeldsaa in that first linked post.

I found this Wiinblad plate a couple of weeks ago but forgot to show it to you. It was a corporate gift in 1978 for employees in the danish firm Imerco and is handpainted and signed. It shows a scene from a livingroom, with Wiinblad's usual quirkiness and amazing attention to detail. I love those rice lamps!

Today I visited a farm not far from where I live to pick some corn. This is quite common here at this time of the year. You bring a bag, fill it and pay a few kroner. I love doing that, and they're SOOO sweet and delicious, much better than those you can get in the store. Today was a bit rainy, but not too bad. The sky was tealy grey, which always looks good in pictures. The teal sky and the yellowing fields looked so great together.  The farm has several workshops, and sell different crafts and produce. And what do you know- there was even some vintage today! 

I have fallen deeply in love with Egersund Fajanse and Graveren's art deco pieces. I found this low bowl at the farm market today. It's got this great abstract decor in brown and yellow and I'm pretty sure it was designed in the 20s. It has the simple stamp with text only,  "Egersund Norge".

I also found another herring jar from Figgjo's Folklore series. I have another one that I got from my mother in law with the exact same text, but a different shape. They are more or less the same size. You can see it here.

As always with Folklore, there's some flirting going on at that table...

A few pics from the market stalls inside the barn. Lots of crafts, produce, there was even a guy who sold old record players, I mean REALLY old ones and there was music from the 30s playing on one of them to add to the atmosphere. I love seeing constructions like these. See the rice lamp with the butterfly? There was a seller who made these lazer cut wooden things. They were really nice with the light wood and the dark edges. 

In the middle of the corn field...


Fall is inevitably here, I guess. Which I don't mind, only problem is- winter comes after!  Have a great week!

PS. Head on over to Max at Blackbird has spoken  for some gorgeous thrifted treats!


  1. The countryside looks just lovely there Tove, and seasons cusp is always exciting when you live in a place with distinct seasons. winter, ugh, just crawling out of it here with yet another bug rampaging theough the household, if only they could shorten winter by a couple of months!
    Hurrah for a teapot with a built in strainer, i always loose mine, it drives me potty. I'd love to know what a herring pot is for. I mean i know herring are a small fish-is it for some kind of fish pate?

    1. Oh, thank you Max! You're lucky to be looking forward to spring now, I wish I could just skip winter altogether... I hope you're all recovering from that bug.
      The strange foods we eat over here:-) A herring pot is for a dish of herring cut into pieces, laid in a mixture if vinegar, onions, dill, spices and water. There are tons of recipes, in some there's a mustard sauce, some with tomato sauce and so on. They all have a distinct bay leaf taste The dish is very common for a Christmas lunch table, some eat it year around. In Sweden it's even more common and I know Figgjo sold a lot of these jars there, I've seen them around with Swedish text. The jar is slightly bigger than a jam or marmelade jar. Hope that solved the mystery for you:-)

  2. What beautiful finds. You know I absolutely love the Ruska, and the birds are delightful.

    1. Thank you, Dana! Yes, there really is something about Ruska, isn't there? And I happen to know you're crazy about birds:-)

  3. I'd have succumbed to the Ruska teapot too...and I don't need one either! Lovely finds, Tove! xx

    1. Thanks for helping me justify it, Anita:-) I'm so glad I'm not the only one who surrenders that easily! I'm so glad you like my finds!!

  4. Hi Tove, how are you?
    There's nothing more delicious than fresh corn on the cob - with lashings of butter of course!
    I am on the hunt for the perfect teapot myself - I quite like Muuto's Bulky (I'm thinking bright yellow to add a bit of sunshine to my kitchen) but it is not half as nice as your lovely Ruska. Chances of finding one in an op-shop here? Nil! (or pretty close to). I love the rice paper lamps on the Wiinblad plate too x

    1. Hi Kylie! I'm fine, hope you and yours are too? Oh yes, corn is SOOO good, the kids and a friend had a feast when I got home! Did you see Goofy's corn eating scene from the cartoon? It was like that:-) So glad you like my new tea pot! The Muuto is very cool too, love how they use bright yellow. I generally love all their stuff! Still missing your wonderful posts very much, Kylie! I'm so glad you keep reading ours and stay in touch! Is your kitchen finished? I'm so curious! I hope the little plate will get to you safely! Have a great week! xxx

  5. Tove,
    A beautiful post. It seems that your finds and the land are talking to each other. I can't believe all your beautiful finds. The Ruska has to be my favorite! I also have a soft spot for Wiinblad's work, I recently sold a plate from the same series. One day you have to show us pictures of your table all set up with your beautiful finds.

    1. Oh, thank you Beatriz, such warming words! Ruska has become one of my favorites, it goes so well with the colors of my kitchen and dining area and mixes so well with Finse, which I have a soft spot for as I remember it from home.
      Love the quirkiness of Wiinblad's graphics. I still can't quite get over your amazing Wiinblad finds a couple of posts back, they were amazing! It would be fun to challenge you guys to set a table of favorite finds:-) Thanks again, Beatriz!!

  6. Tove - ok, so now I want some corn. Doesn't matter that it's not even 9 am. All of thinking is corn with butter - yum! Love your countryside pics and the market place snaps are so charming.

    Love the Ruska teapot and those ornaments are super sweet. You amaze me with all your wonderful finds.

    1. Oh yes, isn't it good!! I just love it! I made the boys and a mate staying for dinner some barbecue chicken and corn, mmm... The market was a bonus, I didn't know about it! Fall happend almost overnight this year...
      I'm so glad you liked my finds, Francine, thank you!!!

  7. Hej Tove! Du har gjort fina fynd igen =) Jag har aldrig sett äggkopparna förut! Jag har en hel del Sera redan men sådana vill jag också ha, dom är så fina! Ha en bra höst!

    1. Takk:-) Eggekoppene fantes i alle Stavangerflint's mønstre. Figgjo hadde den andre typen med en liten skål, som jeg har vist i et par poster. Sera- mønsteret er veldig fint på eggekoppene, håper du finner noen!!
      En fin høst til deg også!!

  8. Åh, herlig post:) Fine Finse-funn! Nå lurer jeg på om jeg angrer på at jeg solgt alle de Finse-koppene mine, men konkurransen i skapet er så hard. Nå vinner foreløbig Egersund Unique og et sett med Sun Midwinter kopper og fat (veldig fine!! Skal få det ut på weben, men først kommer innlegg fra Berlin). Fant et Hadeland glassheng i fjor, så jeg tenkte legge ut før jul. Men det er et eple, tror jeg,

    1. Å tusen takk!!! Konkurranse i skapet kjenner jeg godt til... Vanskelige valg! Egersund Unique er jo fantastisk da, det har fått verdifull hylleplass hos meg også:-) Jeg er veldig glad i Finse, det har noen av de samme kvalitetene som Ruska. Og så husker jeg det så godt fra vi hadde det hjemme, håpløs nostalgiker:-)
      Midwinter Sun så jeg første gang på et Instagram- bilde hos deg- det er råfint! Gleder meg til å se mer! Ser ut som dere hadde en flott Berlin- tur!
      Ha en herlig kveld!

  9. Sikke mange gode fund. Det er da helt overvældende. Fuglene kom også til Danmark. Jeg husker dem ligesom dig fra 70´erne. Art deco tallerkenen er et rigtig scoop. Jeg prøver ihærdigt ikke at være misundelig :-).
    M.h.t. Bjørn Wiinblad fandt jeg et godt program om ham på dansk tv. Jeg ved ikke om det kan ses uden for DK, men prøv:!/


    1. Å tusen takk, Birgitte!! Så morsomt at Hadeland- fuglene fløy til Danmark også:-) Jeg syns Art deco gjenstandene er så interessante, den jeg fant fra Graveren har blitt en av mine "all time favorites". Et dekor som heter "Gul vinkel" fra Egersund fajance sies å være det første tegn til Art deco i Norge. Det ble designet av Anker Olsen en gang rundt 1.verdenskrig.
      Så spennende med program om Bjørn Wiinblad, det håper jeg kan ses herfra, jeg prøver! Tusen takk for hyggelige ord, Birgitte!

  10. Absolutely love your treasures. They are all so different to anything i find here in Australia. I adore the teapot! The infuser is just wonderful!

  11. Oh, thank you so much, Lea! How great to have a new visitor:-) I'm so glad you like my finds! I love Ruska, the design is so rustic and wonderful. I've circled around the teapot on several occasions before surrendering... The infuser was a great bonus, I didn't know these pots had one! Makes me wanna drink more tea:-) Thanks again!!

  12. I love Winblad too, but I'm not prepared to pay the prices people are asking over here, so I'm still a Winblad virgin!

    1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I guess being close to the source has some perks. This kind of Wiinblad objects, as well as the monthly plaques appear quite frequently and are quite inexpensive. The monthly plaques I actually got for less than 3 euros a piece, there's a lot of them around. The more elaborate pieces are more expensive, though, and don't appear as often. I hope you'll find some reasonably priced Wiinblad soon! Thanks for popping by:-)
